Web Hosting FAQ’s
The following are some of the more frequently asked questions with regard to RAR Web Solutions Web hosting services. Should you have any other questions about or web hosting services then please contact us and we will be pleased to assist you.
How much does Web Hosting cost?
Please check our shared web hosting packages page for up to date pricing. Prices start from Rs.50* a month. |
Is there an initial set up fee?
Normally we don't charge setup fee for Website hosting services unless it is mentioned. RAR Web Solutions only charge for web spaces package, setup is free with most packages. For further details and to get started please visit our hosting pages. |
What is multiple website hosting and Extra true Domain hosting?
RAR Web Solutions Premier website hosting package you will have a benefit of hosting more then one website and true Domain with the single web spaces account, which means you can use single hosting account/ web space to host more then one website. For further details, please visit our website hosting page. |
How multiple website hosting or/ and Extra true Domain hosting works?
With this website hosting package you will have permission to create more then one directory at a root level on the server within your hosting account.
For Example:
http://www.domainone.com --> directed to --> direcotry1 and
http://www.domaintwo.com --> directed to --> direcotry2 and so on..
Keep uploading web files to its corresponding directories as two independent website.
Does the Web host package include Email Hosting and DNS management?
Yes, all web host packages include POP3 Email Hosting accounts and full DNS management with our feature's full control panel. |
Does the Web spaces package include website statistics?
Yes, all web spaces packages include access to the web statistics system. Website statistics allow you to monitor the traffic information for your domain. Using the multiple analysis tools available, you can see how, when, where your sites are being used and where visitors have come from and much more. |
How long will it take to setup a web host account?
We setup website hosting account in less then 30 minutes. Normally it takes 24 to 48 hrs to propagate changes on DNS servers all around Internet even in case of new domain or transfer. We will send you welcome email after running some initial test, within few hours you place a website hosting order. |
Will you place any ads on my site?
No, you have full control of your website and will never be required to put any of our advertisements on it. |
Can I buy Extra web spaces or email accounts?
Yes, you can buy extra web space and email accounts when you feel you require more, please visit our extras page for more details and prices.
How much bandwidth is allocated to my web hosting account?
RAR Web Solutions operates a fair use policy and therefore offers unlimited use of bandwidth in some of web hosting packages. However, should your bandwidth reach the points where it has an adverse affect on other clients we reserve the right to disable your site/ account until you can reduce your bandwidth usage. |
What information will I receive once the website hosting is setup?
We will send you a welcome email which includes all required details of your website hosting service, like Username and Password, FTP and POP 3 email details etc., Once you logon to domain control panel, you will be able to access all the features of you uk web host. |
Can I use Macromedia Flash (.swf files) in my website hosting account?
Yes, you can use Flash animation with any of our website hosting packages. |
How can i upload my files to my web hosting account?
You can upload your files through your domain control panel, However using any FTP Client software is recommended. FTP (File Transfer Protocol) client software such as Cute FTP or WS_FTP or FileZilla. You can upload files from Microsoft FrontPage or Dream Weaver. |
What is FTP?
FTP stands for File Transfer Protocol. It is a method used to transfer files from one computer to another. |
What are my FTP settings?
- FTP Host Name:yourdomainname.com
- Username: yourusername
- Password: password
- Default or remote directory: /htdocs
Can I upgrade my Website Hosting package?
Certainly, you can do this at any time. Please contact us as we calculate the time left on your present package and trade that in against the time difference on the new package. We will confirm the price with you, send you information on how to pay for this and upgrade the account. |